Laser Toning: Is the answer for stubborn pigmentation?

Laser Toning: Is the answer for stubborn pigmentation?

While it is a dream for many to have blemish-free skin, we all struggle with some form of pigmentation at some stage in our lives. At times it’s because of hormonal changes, pregnancy, a sequela to acne, or a chronic disease like diabetes, and sometimes it is because of UV radiations or specific medication. Management of pigmentation is relatively easy and takes comparatively less time when it started early. A combination of treatments works better, including prescription medicines and specific in-clinic procedures, which include chemical peels, mesotherapy, and the cult favorite Q switch lasers.

Before diving into what laser toning is, let me tell you something about different types of pigmentation. When it is present on the topmost layer of the skin, it is epidermal; this response quickly to prescription-strength creams containing kojic acid, azelaic acid, hydroquinone, etc. When pigmentation is present in the layer beneath it, it is called dermal pigmentation; when both the layers are involved, it is mixed pigmentation. Latter two do not respond adequately to medications only. These patients often require laser treatment.

The concept of laser toning was first introduced way back in 1999, and during all these years, the technique has been refined to ensure a higher level of safety and effectiveness. The term ‘’laser toning” originates from the improvement in skin tone after using multiple Q switch laser passes at low fluence.

Who should go for laser toning?
If you are someone who is struggling with uneven skin tone, open pores, melasma, or other pigment irregularities, age spots, this treatment is ideal for you. It improves the overall appearance of the skin and induces collagen production within the skin, thus aiding in rejuvenation.

How does getting a laser toning session feels like?
Once a dermatologist has made all the required clinical assessments of the affected skin, you’ll be prescribed a few creams to prepare the procedure. After about 10-15 days when the skin is all ready, you will be prepared for your session. The area is cleaned, and numbing cream is applied for 20-30 mins. Although it is not a painful procedure at Meraki skin clinic, we follow this protocol so that the patient is comfortable as some might feel a heat sensation. The laser machine is adjusted to the required setting & area is treated. This is done within 10-15 mins. If there is any redness, ointments to reduce the same is applied along with a sunscreen. That’s it! It is indeed a lunchtime procedure.

What is the science behind it all?
The updated settings of Q switch laser work in such a way that it destroys the pigment-containing granules and downregulates the melanocytes (put merely sends a message to melanin-producing cells to cool down and produce only what is required). Our skin takes these laser shots as an injury to itself and starts contributing many healing factors, which cause new collagen synthesis. Ultimately the skin starts looking radiant and rejuvenated.

So, there is hope even for stubborn pigmentation. Meet experts at Meraki skin clinic to understand more about laser toning. Book an appointment You can also follow us on Instagram @merakiskinclinic to get all the latest updates on skin, hair, lasers.

Now no need to search for answers online anymore, We have got you covered! Call us at +91-8448407278 for online consultation with Expert at Meraki and get the solution of all your skin and hair concerns.

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